LEtter to the Past

The momento mori, which is Latin for the phrase “remember you will die”, is a saying meant to remind you of your own mortality and the fragility of life. Various symbols have been used in art making over time as a gentle reminder of death reflection.  Most commonly the skull, the hourglass or clocks, extinguished or guttering candles, fruit, and lastly flowers.

The flowers allude to the history of funerary practices and the origin of the flowers' presence in these ceremonies. Flowers were  brought in as a means to conceal those things that were unwanted, like odor, decay and death. We often think of it now as a means to show respect, love, care, condolence. A way to say with flowers what we can not say, because it is not enough for grave loss.

Letter to the past is my way of reflecting, mourning, honoring a past time. It is also a reminder to be soft. To forgive. To be present. For I too one day will die.